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By David Brownell

From an agent who’s been in the industry for more than 25 years, mastering lead conversion is the key to setting ourselves apart from the competition and achieving remarkable success.

Is your 2023 off to the wrong start? If you didn’t begin the year on the best foot, it can be easy to get discouraged. I understand that it’s tough, so to help, I have a list of three questions you can ask yourself to turn things around:

1. Why is this happening? Try to determine why the difficulties are arising. Do you need to get more leads? Are your skills not developed enough? Did you start the year in the wrong headspace? Your mindset is important, so ask yourself these questions and learn from your mistakes.

2. Was your plan realistic? This could be why things aren’t going according to plan. For example, did you adjust your plan for the shift in the market? If you made your plan based on the same method from years past, you will probably be in trouble, especially since many things take significantly more effort than they did before.

“If you have the right mindset and know what has gone wrong in the past, you will be off to a good start.”

3. Did you believe your plan? If you build a crazy plan and don’t believe you can accomplish it, you’re not starting with the right mindset. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t achieve your goals.

If your plan is struggling because of those factors, throw it out and start fresh. Instead of creating a new annual plan, start by creating one for the next 12 weeks. Brian Moran, the author of “The 12 Week Year”, says that an annual plan is way too long. According to him, we all need to start with 12 weeks because that maintains urgency and motivation, and I agree.

Therefore, I suggest creating a new plan for the next 12 weeks and starting right away on the coming Monday. If you have the right mindset and know what has gone wrong in the past, you will be off to a good start. If you have any questions or want my advice, don’t hesitate to reach out! You can call or email me anytime, and I would love to help you get your 2023 back on track.