Discover who you are in a group and empower yourself to be better.

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By David Brownell

From an agent who’s been in the industry for more than 25 years, mastering lead conversion is the key to setting ourselves apart from the competition and achieving remarkable success.

All of us have been in a group setting before, but have you ever tried to consider how you show up in a group? There are 10 different “selves” we can bring to a group experience. You’ll notice that in a group dynamic, some are great, some are not, and some are kind of in between. Today, I’ll share with you what my coach, Joe Stump, told me during our group coaching and masterminding session. Here are the three main categories of “personas” that you bring to a group:

The red-area individuals. These are the ones that we want to avoid because they drag the group down. They consist of the following:

  • Saboteurs are people who thrive on drama and conflict. They often divide and divert the group, causing chaos.
  • Disengaged people lack energy and clarity and always come up with excuses, and worst of all, they show no accountability and blame others.
  • Avoidant people are those who are physically present but are mentally checked out. Oftentimes, they are missing in action or are negative about the group.
  • Unreliable ones based on their names are people who simply can’t be counted on. They are the ones who are consistently inconsistent.

The green-area individuals. These are personas with the potential to be valuable assets to a group and are a step up from the red-area individuals. They are as follows:

  • All-in people bring boundless energy and enthusiasm to the group. They are uncertain but mean well and have a beginner’s heart that is willing to try.
  • Solid individuals are people who show up and share with the group, are reliable under pressure, and will contribute when prompted.
  • Strong green individuals are someone who leads under pressure and shows a lot of initiative. They are really close to reaching their full potential and the highest version of themselves.

“By aiming for the blue and avoiding the red, you can make the group experience more positive and productive.”

The blue-area individuals. They are the ones that I think all of us should strive to be every time we are in a group.

  • Stand-out people are the ones who are constantly working on their goals and aim to win in life. They are the leaders who inspire and motivate others.
  • Masters will consistently step up and inspire others to do their best, raising the standards for the whole group.
  • Legends are the ones who inspire awe from other members of the group. Every time they are in a group setting, they change the game and raise the bar, making them legendary in the way they move through and around with people.

So, out of the 10 different personas, how are you showing up right now? Consider which character you’re bringing to the table. By aiming for the blue and avoiding the red, you can make the group experience more positive and productive.

I hope you found this helpful! Tell me what you think and drop a comment below. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or send me an email. I’d love to hear from you.